Dalton Crossan NFL PLL Chaos





Duplicity is a buzz word for former NFL running back Dalton Crossan, who is picking up a lacrosse stick for the first time in eight years with the hopes of making a PLL squad, and the Chaos specifically, because as his high school coach uttered "he's a beast." The Michigan Lacrosse Review spent some time talking to Dalton this week about life in New York at 26, he will be 27 Friday, what he's doing to prepare for a professional lacrosse tryout, a bit about the roller coaster life as a professional athlete and what actually makes this industrious, articulate Long Island prep star tick. Former Michigan head coach John Paul almost talked Dalton into becoming a Wolverine laxster during his senior year, but football came calling, a great pigskin career at New Hampshire unfolded and lacrosse was put at the end of the bucket list.....until now. Check out this interview and see what a personable young man sounds like face to face....