Nat St. Laurent Ohio Northern and PLL Head Coach





Opportunity comes less for African-Americans in the landscape we call lacrosse, but Ohio Northern and PLL Redwoods head coach Nat St. Laurent has taken every chance to succeed during his lifetime because more than most he realizes those chances are limited because of the color of his skin. While talking with the Michigan Lacrosse Review, we learned that Nat may be one of the handful of Blacks in lacrosse, his achievements have come because he's talented, resourceful, opportunistic and just down right a nice guy. If you talk with Nat for any length of time you realize, quickly, this is a man of character, poise and thoughtfulness. He holds his players accountable for their actions, encourages his children and family to be all they can be and he attributes his leadership skills to dedicated parents and 14 years in the Army Reserve....this is one of those feel good interviews you should spend time enjoying...